Danny Abaldo
Yermo, CA USA
Joined September9 2007
Music with a mission-Urgent Misson Records
I play music by ear, my music will speak for itself
My Music
229 songs
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50 songs ·
27 artists
I have NEVER heard anyone do a song like this I hope you will listen
May 15, 2023
2 weeks ago I found a talent show VOICE china I had no idea the quality of the music, much better than anywhere else. KZ Tandingan-OMG Adele rolling in the deep, this is 100% different, better than Adele in my view Jazz, electronic, Latin, and rap, in one song. Want your mind blown take a listen 5 min KZ Tandingan 《Rolling in the Deep》 "Singer 2018" Episode 5【Singer Official Channel】 2 weeks ago I found a talent show VOICE china I had no idea the quality of the music, much better than anywhere else. KZ Tandingan-OMG Adele rolling in the deep, this is 100% different, better than Adele in my view Jazz, electronic, Latin, and rap, in one song. Want your mind blown take a listen 5 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIJC5N4MEZk Highlight link open in browser. Get ready, note auto tune in start like wow rest song not auto tune.
NEW Song Shadows on the wall-three years in making
Mar 21, 2023
This was a song I recorded 3 years ago. I listened so many times to the music I had no Mic at the time. This ONE song was on my big to do list and now its done Did a thing only on a few spots. Off key, slight quiver to vox, and double that word or words. An old David Bowie effect. So far people who have heard it freaked out and loved it. That's cool things take time in life , years, we stay with it and one day we will look back t what we did do. Lyrics Shadows on the wall Shadows On The Wall Looking for light You only see darkness and dancing Silhouette's on the wall-the wall and so you dare yourself to dance in the wall You are walking, to dance- with the shadows on the wall shimmering lights the dream until Dawn-Dawn You hope you can go and dance in the wall Dancing-shadows on the wall Shadows on the walls-Shadows on the wall-Shadows on the Wall Shadows on the walls-Shadows on the wall-Shadows on the Wall Shadows dancing on the wall-dancing on the wall A new day has come-the blinding light of the sun Now in the light, things are different I find myself thinking-what hour does the sun go down So I can dance-dance with my shadow So I can Dance----dance with my shadow I can dance with my shadow Its worth the wait in life -so wait, hold on, and move ahead [media]
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?
Dec 6, 2022
Getting beyond your gut sense of who’s the real hypocrite takes work, which is another reason people don’t wonder. They say “Ah they’re all hypocrites, the hell with them,” or they say, “Everyone’s a hypocrite. Who cares?” In the long run each of us cares. Yes, everyone is at least a little bit hypocritical, but high-powered hypocrites are the bane of human existence. Crappy people often light a spark in us, let that spark be a beautiful one. Let it level you up, make you stronger, more resilient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics This Is a war-the Phantoms Power poisons the heart It changes it from within Deception lives in the dark But you can't hide from you sins This is a war And our blood will draw the battle lines This is a war And our blood will draw the battle lines We will stand We will fight We can't stop Til we die Hope will be torn Whose side are you fighting for This is a war Lies will burden the soul And pull it into the deep Everything that we know will be just out of reach This is a war...................... if you have not heard this song -link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5oAuZhh6HU Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? Answer, not you and not me. In life, all around us, online and off line, we encounter many hypocrites, and duplicity in people. As a minister I can write 100 pages about just this. Sadly the Church, world wide, has become a laughing stock, hypocrites and liars. The lyrics -This is a War is so true, it is a war, for our peace. How do we stop the war of words, people who secretly want something you have, or can do for them. Me, Me, I, I, this is sadly the state of things today. You will meet someone , they seem to say nice things, because they have an agenda. Elevate self by trying to take down, hassle someone else. Do not allow anyone to entrap you and cause all peace to flee from you. In the college I ran I would write an email a page long and the response was, thanx Dr Dan. OK that will not make you happy. Next- the know it all type, authorities on a band or style, they are self absorbed, can not take correction, or constructive criticize m. I re peat what I wrote above- Crappy people often light a spark in us, let that spark be a beautiful one. Let it level you up, make you stronger, more resilient. Let crappy people light a spark for good, we make the bad -good. It takes practice to say NO, I will not, I can not help you. My advice, cut them off, it's you, or the crappy people. When I was much younger I thought I knew it all and was the worlds authority on a subject or a thing. This is due to being stuck in a tangent, all the focus is on the wrong thing. You and what You can get from kind people. Stop, look in a mirror what do you see? Ok what do you see? Nothing it's all good, well maybe you need to get another mirror and not the one of self deception. I cry out STOP, examine your own heart and be honest with yourself if you can. Never use anyone in a bad way. Agree to disagree is the way of saying, 'hay big man I do not agree and will not be trapped into your spider web'. Nice person, just use insulation, if need isolation. No man is an Island to himself this takes wisdom. Please understand it's world wide, its online and it's a cancer to creativity. Let this issue drive you to be stronger and more resilient.
Excuse me, but did you know you have a knife in your back?
Nov 23, 2022
You got to love when you are done wrong, hurt, lied about, relied upon, miss understood, and so forth. The song 'Every body hurts' is so real to us all. A great classic song I love a lot. OK, so every body hurts-sometimes. Are you in the sometimes?. Times of feeling, 'I give up- I am done, that is it', a day later, your back, but that knife is still in your back, WHY? Playing in many bands over the years I have been hurt and burned so many times. Drummer hitting on my wife lol etc. No show- for Opening Nite, many have been there that are or were in bands. When you get older you just say, 'oh well', or, over look a fault, but if you, me, have had an old hurt from a musician, family, friend, anyone... it can hinder our creation and our progress. I did write some songs in a bad time and they were good, but I was not. I learned, we can become dull to pain and thus, we do not feel the many knife's collected in your back. Never become dull, hard hearted, never, it is not good for us. Let me see if Ican help take out one of those knifes. I will use the extracted knife and cook you a gourmet meal with it. See, turn it around, take the knife out at once, do not be a collector. Very common- a Father you have not spoken to in years, a brother, mother. That knife can cripple you, if YOU let it. Or you can do as the song in FROZEN, 'Let it go, let it go'.... Ready? This might hurt a little, turn around, hold on, count to three I pull, ready One, two...pull it out not on three you can not know exactly when it will happen. Make your stand, play that instrument, blast the music, jump, dance and be set free of the knife. You know since I recently got rid of a knife in my back, after extraction, I slept like a baby, it is hard to sleep with a knife in your back. Let it go, let it go... Problem- to many of us, we put off things we want to avoid, a phone call from that person, you say, 'honey I am not home' sorry in the long run that does not help. Rise up, take the thing out of your life and the results will be more Joy and better creativity. So, is that knife still in your back? ,you can put an end to it today. I hope I motivated you -my fellow musicians. Till next time Dan
Wait for it....It's small but wait
Nov 15, 2022
I hold the worlds record for having more opportunities I blew. I have had so many things I could of done, things I should not have done, things I did and regret, that is life. You never know the outcome of a thing until you try, you can not succeed if you do not try. Like those songs you have you never submitted to a Publisher or Record Co. My first rejection slip on a short story I did, 'Anthers haven'-the song from that story. I did not cry, I bought a frame and framed the rejection slip, put it on my office wall. Why? It showed me I did something. The outcome was as the biz goes. We see in restaurants and stores a framed dollar, the first dollar they made. It shows something. Holding out on doing something with your music? I have, but not anymore. Never give up when you KNOW your calling is as an independent Artists. I learned a lesson in life. Sometimes we are looking for a sign, but it is so small we missed it. It was the size of a dime we were looking for a big sign, a big event. I have learned to wait....wait....wait, who likes waiting? So reader, what are you waiting for, a sign, a sign given and missed, a sign so you will have confirmations, these do not always come, so push on, wait when you must or strike the iron while its hot. Did you know many years ago in track and field, no man had ever broken the 4 min mile, years later one runner did. This is about that man. Roger Bannister A four-minute mile is the completion of a mile run (1609 m) in four minutes or less. It was first achieved in 1954 by Roger Bannister, at age 25, in 3:59.4. As of April 2021, the "four-minute barrier" has been broken by 1,663 athletes, and is now a standard of professional middle distance runners in several cultures. Base Ball- If a batter hits 50 home runs in a season, is it safe to assume that he's swinging for the fences, and also more likely to strike out? Babe Ruth broke the record of most home runs in a season (60) and also struck out more than any other player (89) My last post-Jokers Wild-Read that, my want to be a stand up comic. I did something, small, a start, I just started a second page called-Time To Laugh-( these will be on my Soundclick page) I will do under 10 min lo fi mp3's of audio comedy lets see where it goes. We will not hit any home runs in music , in life, if we do not get the most strike outs first, after come home runs. I hope you found encouragement in this post, it is for the reason I posted it , to encourage, comfort and motivate. Until Next Time Dan
Dec 22, 2024
Danny I wish you & Peg a very peaceful & relaxing Christmas
Dec 21, 2024
hey there a new one is up there called hurry times ( before christmas )
wish you have a fine christmas time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigel Hardy
Dec 01, 2024
Thanks again Dan for your very encouraging feedback. So great of you to to take the time to listen. I use the Arturia vocoder coupled with my Korg Kronos synth. Take care my friend
Nigel Hardy
Dec 01, 2024
Hey Dan, good to hear your latest. I have a new one called Looking for the right words. Be great to hear your feedback. Happy holidays my friend
Nov 30, 2024
Happy Holidays to you & Peg. Really enjoyed your latest song!
Nov 30, 2024
Thanks Danny for the visit and nice comments.
Nov 29, 2024
Hallo there !
Another one is up in the air called November Rock (the last)
spend some time please and listen to this
Many thanks and have a great weekend
Nov 21, 2024
heyah there Danny a new one will be up named November rock
if you have a little time please stepp by and left little comment about. Many thanks for this !!!!
Nov 21, 2024
Heyahh Master Danny !!!
Many thanks for stepping by and give a real fine comment about my new music project November sounds
Greeetz from salt castle and have a fine week :---)))))))
All comments (403)
Merry Christmas Dan, best wishes to you and yours!