8,933 tracks

Comedy in music refers to the art of incorporating humor, wit, and comedic elements into musical performances. It involves creating funny or satirical songs, parodies, and comedic routines that entertain audiences with their clever lyrics, amusing melodies, and comedic timing.

Here are four prominent artists in the comedy music genre:

Related: Comedy - Adult  *  Comedy - Political Humor  *  Comedy - Prank Calls  *  Podcasts  *  Talk  *  Poetry  *  My Life  *  Stories  *  Politics  *  Religious  *  Comedy - On Stage  *  Sports  *  Music Talk  *  Parody
Click for the full Comedy  charts
#2 - SOONER or LATER You're Alone Once Again
#3 - Ride the Bus
#4 - Vito Braggadocio Presents...
#5 - The Roommate Chronicles: Henry And Kai's Unlikely
#6 - Two Pump Chump
#7 - Sayben: 1123 Tap Jam
#8 - Please, Continue to Hold...
#9 - Spiral Envogue
#10 - Funny
#11 - Wippity Bippity Boo fast
#12 - The Twilight Thang
#13 - Bobcats
#14 - Sneaky Pretty
#15 - Rascayou
#16 - Die 2 aus Berlin - Olympia
#17 - Caught Taking a Poop at Work...
#18 - She_Like_it
#19 - ReggaeRoughDraft[1]
#20 - Rock and a Hard Place - Paul Parker 2020
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